prad a écrit :
i need greek letters for math work.

latex has the fonts of course, but i don't have the \mu \ro etc on
regular programs such as inkscape.
i've installed texcm-ttf, but only go a couple of greek letters.
Most commonly, Type1 (read ``PostScript vector'') TeX fonts are present on the disk as PFA or PFB files (PostScript font ascii, binary). They are usually stored under


The TrueType fonts available to TeX are present on the disk under


(I use the $ to prefix generic names. $TEXMF is usually texmf, ot texmf-local or texmf-texlive and $PREFIX /usr/local.)

On the KUbuntu system I have at work,

> ls /usr/share/texmf-texlive/fonts/truetype/public/belleek/
blex.ttf  blsy.ttf  rblmi.ttf

These fonts are true type versions of TeX fonts, EX (extended, containing extra large braces, radicals, triple integrals etc.) SY (symbol) and MI (math italics, containing all the greek).

If you did not find a suitable TrueType font on your installation, try to search the CTAN (, it mimics the file hierarchy common to most TeX installation, so you will easily find TrueType fonts available there.

If all of this fails, you can go with type 1 fonts, most TeX symbols fonts are also available as Type1 fonts. If your software cannot use these fonts, you may try to convert them to TrueType format, with appropriate software. Fontforge (in the ports) is capable to do this.

Note that fonts resulting form a conversion may not be suitable for all use, many years ago I wanted to have TeX fonts in X11, and got nice glyphs with funny spacing. I did not investigate the resaons of this failure, nor the contemporary behaviour, though.

Last I did not mention which font to look for. A complete collection of type 1 fonts reproducing the look of the venrable Computer Modern is the Latin Modern font (VENDOR=public, FONT=lm).
I hope this helps,
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