On Friday 20 February 2009 12:24:45 Pieter Donche wrote:
> At the first install of a package via the ports collection (cd
> /usr/ports/../..; make install clean), if the package provides
> configuration options, you can check these on a menu screen,
> or accept all the defaults.
> If later on, you want to know what the set of the options were when you
> installed a port, how to find that out? I tried
> # cd /usr/ports/<categoryname>/<portname>
> # make
> hoping to see the menu again, but it doesn't show any menu, but says:
> ===>  Found saved configuration for <portname-version>
> Where is that saved configuration kept ??
> How to get a menu displayed again so you can see and check the options
> you want?

# cd /usr/ports/<categoryname>/<portname>
# make config

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