On Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 08:43:09AM -0600, David Kelly wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 08, 2009 at 11:03:29PM -0800, Gary Kline wrote:
> >     
> >     Guys,
> > 
> >     I've going to give away what I think could be at least a
> >     multi-thousand dollar idea, something we nearly have already.
> >     And a wish-list for a program that does not, AFAIK, exist.
> Its called iTunes.
> >     First, the wish-for:: given all the kinds of video and audio
> >     programs that are now on the web, how difficult would it be
> >     to have a GUI [interface] program pop up a screen with date of
> >     airing, and/or date of podcast?  Not to exceed several hours
> >     worth of recorded podcasts... or live recording.
> iTunes will suck them down and has settings for when (if ever) to delete
> old podcasts.
> >     I can only give examples of thing I watch, but this will give
> >     you some idea.  And bear in mind that at least FreeBSD cannot
> >     capture some programs.  Like "FRONTLINE" on PBS.
> > 
> >     But for the sake of argument, let's say that firefox or
> >     whatever browser or kmplayer or another player did have the
> >     proper codecs.
> > 
> >     This GUI app  would find, fetch, and store in /usr/local/tmp
> >     FRONTLINE, NOVA, "In Our Time" and "Everyday Ethics" [BBC],
> >     and "Marketplace", Weekend, 10jan09.  
> iTunes stores in ~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Podcasts/

        Music/audio only, or video too?

> >     When these programs were safely in /usr/local/tmp/Pods, the
> >     program would send mail or otherwise inform the user.
> Script from cron to detect presence of a new file in the above, send
> notification.
> There are FreeBSD ports for subscribing to podcasts that could do the
> same thing.
> >     How doable is this...?  and, yes, i know that many of these
> >     audio files can be subscribed to as podcasts.  I have several
> >     on my Google page.  
> Get A Mac!
                Ha!  Well, I stand to inherit my daughter's MacBook in a
                few years.  Okay, so if Apple has this, can I use it?  I
                mean for-free, not having to sub to some monthly deal or

                This is an idea I thought up a couple years ago when all
                the audio podcasts began appearing.  At any rate, seems to
                me that the open-* community could do at least as well as
                our brother hackers at Apple.

                Just a thought.  

                Come Monday, OZ-time, I'll let everybody know my major

 Gary Kline  kl...@thought.org  http://www.thought.org  Public Service Unix
        http://jottings.thought.org   http://transfinite.thought.org
    First update of http://transfinite.thought.org/ab/ in seven months.

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