Matthew Seaman wrote:
It's 'mtu NNNN' not '-mtu NNNN'

I'm confused, thanks so much !

There was no option without - in my old unix time ;-)

Thanks to you, it seems that my max mtu is 9216 on em :

client9# ifconfig em1 mtu 9216
client9# ifconfig em1 mtu 9217
ifconfig: ioctl (set mtu): Invalid argument

Max mtu is changing on re :
nfsserver# ifconfig re0 mtu 1504
nfsserver# ifconfig re0 mtu 1505
ifconfig: ioctl (set mtu): Invalid argument

But another re accept 7422 :
client6# ifconfig re0 mtu 7422
client6# ifconfig re0 mtu 7423
ifconfig: ioctl (set mtu): Invalid argument

It seems that only testing can give the limit, this is not documented.

Best regards,
Bernard DUGAS Mobile +33 615 333 770
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