Just curious if anyone knows why the kernel source has references to both "perl5" as well as "perl" and if work is being done to make make the calls to perl more standard e.g. using either "perl" or "perl5" everywhere.

This isn't a problem but more of a one-time-annoyance. Right at the beginning of the buildkernel stuff, the make runs "perl5" on a couple of things. Further on it uses "perl" for other stuff.

On my system, I removed all the old FreeBSD perl stuff. Apparently buildkernel doesn't include /usr/localb/bin as part of its path so it didn't find /usr/local/bin/perl5. Basically, it failed. Easy fix of simply adding a symlink of /usr/bin/perl5 to /usr/local/bin/perl.

Just curious if anyone else noticed this.

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Sean O'Neill

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