--On December 16, 2008 7:33:31 PM -0600 Steve Bertrand <st...@ibctech.ca>
One of the reasons I've had to edit Makefile manually was because a
client needed JPEG support.
At the time, `make config' didn't provide that option.
You should *never* need to edit a Makefile in a port. (Well, extremely
rarely.) Usually the options are provided. Optionally you can add them
on the commandline like this:
make -dwith_enable-foo -dwith_disable-bar. In the case of major ports
such as lang/php5, the options are almost always available somehow. Jpeg
support, for example, is in php5-extensions.
If you don't find something you're expecting in a port, and you can't get
an answer on this list, email the port maintainer, whose email address
will always be in the port's Makefile.
Paul Schmehl (pa...@utdallas.edu)
Senior Information Security Analyst
The University of Texas at Dallas