Wojciech Puchar wrote:
Also GUI makes life much easier even for advanced users.

exactly wrong. it make my life harder. these "advanced" users you say don't like to read manuals and do once simple config taking few minutes.

totally wrong. imagine setting up WiFi network. one mouse click opens WiFi manager window. another double-click selects network to connect. another click closes the window of WiFi manager. How in the world it can be easier to do this with config files ????

Unfortunately open source is pretty much a failure when it comes to GUI and desktop. Any kind of GUI, look at ddd for example. Untested development-stage
software (like kde4) is being released to the public for some reason.

they try to compete with windoze - so they behave the same way! who first learned that giving unfinished/buggy/incomplete software to users is a good (in marketing point of view) thing?

Microsoft! they learn from it.

they try to compete and fail. doesn't matter who did what first. today windoze gui is way more usable than kde4. that's the only thing that matters. if kde4 were a commercial company they would have been fired or go out of business long time ago.

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