Not much return on freebsd-isp. I try again here on freebsd-questions. -------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Suhosin Segmentation Fault Datum: Mon, 13 Oct 2008 09:49:09 +0200 Von: Alain Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> An: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Newsgruppen: gmane.os.freebsd.isp
After upgrading FreeBSD from 6.3-p3 to 6.3-p5 on our server, all websites just display a blank page and every HTTP request created a line as follows in the logs: child pid 80326 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) This same problem happened on another server a few months ago after the upgrade from 6.3-p3 to 6.3-p4, but after a rebuild of all FreeBSD ports all went back to normal. However several rebuilds of all ports did not solve the problem on this one. To narrow down the problem: After disabling the PHP module in Apache the problem disappears. Re-enabling PHP, but disabling the Suhosin extension also works fine. The trick found in this forum, to load the Suhosin extension before all other PHP extensions in /usr/local/etc/php/extensions.ini does not help. In fact not loading any extension at all except Suhosin creates the segfault errors. Commenting out our Suhosin settings in php.ini to load it with default values did not help. FreeBSD 6.3-RELEASE-p5 Apache 2.2.9 (DAV/2 mod_python/3.3.1 Python/2.5.2 SVN/1.5.2) PHP Version 5.2.6 Suhosin Patch Suhosin PHP extension 0.9.27 All installed from the ports. PHP (cli) seems to run fine at all times when called from the command-line. Any suggestions? Thanks Alain Wolf, Zurich, Switzerland _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"