On Sun, 2008-10-12 at 10:54 -0700, ton80 wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to install FreeBSD.
> During the install (actually at the beginning of the process) the system
> hangs indefinitely.
> When it gets to the select country screen...it is frozen.
> During the boot process, as it is reading all the hardware, it finds the USB
> controller OK then later it states there was an IO error and that the USB
> controller is halted. I have a USB Keyboard and mouse...so I would say the
> problem is here.
> Is there any workaround I can use to get things going?
> Thanks,
> ton80

I currently have to attach my USB k/b and mouse via a USB hub, rather
than directly to the USB ports on this PC. I'm using a cheap no-name hub
here at the moment and it has done the job so far.

See if attaching via a hub improves things if you can.


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