On Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 12:53:03PM -0500, Scott Bennett wrote:
>      I'm getting a lot of messages like this:
> Oct  4 14:30:00 hellas kernel: Limiting closed port RST response from 250 to 
> 200 packets/sec
> Is there some rule I can insert into /etc/pf.conf to reject these apparently
> invalid RST packets before they can bother TCP?  At the same time, I do not
> want to reject legitimate RST packets.
>      Thanks in advance for any clues!

Well, just to clarify a bit, the RST packets aren't the ones you are
getting. You are apparently getting port-scanned. The message just
says it won't reply by an RST packet to a SYN going to a closed port
more than 200 times per second.

I would suggest ignoring all SYN packets going to closed ports.
Haven't yet used pf though, so I can't say how exactly to do this.

(-K JohnNy alias Partial Derivative ∂
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