On Fri, Oct 03, 2008 at 04:04:47PM +0100, Mike Clarke wrote:
> On Thursday 02 October 2008, Roland Smith wrote:
> > Gimp uses Gutenprint doesn't it? So you could try using the
> > gutenprint driver?
> That's the odd thing, CUPS is (supposed to be) using the gutenprint 
> driver. Here's a list of the relevant packages:

With my previous (non-postscript) LaserJet 6L printer, there were two drivers I
could use, IIRC. One labeled "LaserJet 6L" and one labeled "LaserJet 6L
(gimp-print)" or something like that.

> After a bit of fiddling about with the printer settings for the Gimp I 
> can get tolerable results when printing from the Gimp, though still not 
> as good as the Windows drivers give. Printing from any other 
> application just produces totally wrong psychedelic colours. There's an 
> example showing an original file and a couple of scans of prints at 
> <http://www.milibyte.co.uk/colours.pdf>. The images have lost some 
> quality in the scanning but effectively demonstrate what's happening.

It looks like it is rasterizing too coarse.
> CUPS is using the ppd file extracted 
> from 
> /usr/local/share/cups/model/gutenprint/5.1/en_GB/stp-bjc-PIXMA-iP4500.5.1.ppd.gz.
> I'll not post the contents here ( > 2000 lines) but there's a copy at 
> <http://www.milibyte.co.uk/Canon.ppd> if anybody's interested.

I can't spot anything suspicous in that. Maybe you should try a
gutenprint mailing-list/forum. 

R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
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