Hello. (to read this email you probably need to have a font that can
display ideographs)

I wish to be able to glance over my datasheet in tab-separate-value
format. A typical data file is like this:

池田武     环境友好公益协会        [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       
蔡涛      世界自然基金会 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       
王香奕     中国民促会   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       
魏娟      世界自然保护联盟        [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       
吴若冰     美国环保协会  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       
熊昆      北京地球村   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       
易懿敏     自然之友    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       
费晓静     绿色大学生论坛 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       

A "Properly formatted" version readable on the console would be like this:

池田武   环境友… takesh…
蔡涛     世界自… [EMAIL PROTECTED]
王香奕   中国民… wangxi…
魏娟     世界自… weijua…
吴若冰   美国环… [EMAIL PROTECTED]
熊昆     北京地… kimxio…
                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
易懿敏   自然之… yiyimi…
费晓静   绿色大… yzxiao… 

Is there a tool to output the "properly formatted" version?

I guess I could easily write one with awk or C, but just in case someone
already wrote such tool...

Thanks for information in advance!

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