I think this thing could break my fan if I left it running.
The fan gets fast, really fast.  Sounds like it's running faster than it can 

This is using the halt command, during the message that say's,
HALTED, PRESS ANY KEY TO REBOOT.  (not actual message)

I am still looking in the source code hunting for this.
I decided it was best to report now.

I have not seen the loop, but adding sleep(1) in the halt loop, such as a while 
I think that would make it easier on the cpu.  However I do not know how it 
works, because I have not seen that source code.


In Love in Jesus Christ, Or Lord and Savior.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only *begotten Son, that whosoever 
believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
--John 3:16

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