On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 21:53:14 -0600
Jeff Molofee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> screen. If I go back to the 169 driver, the issues does not occur.
> I'm not positive it's OpenGL applications, but it seems any game or GL 
> application I try crashes it instantly. Not even a second to acknowledge 
> the crash... screen goes black and that's it.
> I'm running FreeBSD 7.X (RELENG_7), nothing custom in the kernel, Intel 
> 6600, GeForce 8800, compiz, gnome, and nothing really fancy.
> I've had other tell me to roll back to 169, but no one can tell me why 
> this is happening, if it's a problem for everyone, if there is a fix, etc.

I cannot help you with the information part. But I can confirm, that
this is happening here too. I am running FreeBSD 6.3, GeForce 7600,
compiz and Xfce. Once I start an application using OpenGL, X will crash.

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