You hit on my key point... maintainability... i feel FreeBSD ports, Debians based APT systems, Arch, and to an extent Gentoo, are maintainable, Gentoo in my opinion being the least so, why .... the portage system, though useable is not 100% admin freindly in my opinion. Notice i said in my "opinion". I did not say it wasnt functional, but there is a learning curve to becoming a serious Gentoo administrator, where with FreeBSD ports/packages, and Debians APT that curve is far less. case in point, give a windows admin 3-4 systems, one Debian, one FreeBSD, One Gentoo, One SLackware, one RPM based for 60 days, in the end youll see which they prefer because they find the learning curve far less and get more accomplished in productions with, trust me, this has been tried and proven many times, its great for finding employees potential capacities. and in the end... I have found all people tested choose FreeBSD, then a Debian based derivitive, why because maintenance capabilities on these systems far out stretches the rest. its just easier to do. lreaving more time for focusing on production efficiency. i may be painful for them but in the end, your employees will get more accomplished when you choose the right OS.
On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 11:05 PM, Ross Cameron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 5:47 PM, David Alanis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >> Quoting Outback Dingo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: >> > Why do you want to dumb down? ... > > > Maintainabily and ease of administration are not dumbig down if done > correctly and in a way that doesn't impeed flexibility if you want it. > _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"