On Tuesday 08 July 2008 11:24:33 Mel wrote:
> On Monday 07 July 2008 18:51:33 David Allen wrote:
> > Granted, everything is really happening over the loopback address, but a
> > connection originating from the jailhost to a jail should appear to be
> > using the jailhost's IP address, or so I'd like to think.  If it doesn't,
> > then the scenario is awkward at best when trying to understand or debug
> > issues.
> To debug this, you need to 'add jail support to sockstat'. This sounds
> hard, and it is

It's actually not that hard, though it stretches the output width. Diff 
inlined below sig, for RELENG_7. 


Problem with today's modular software: they start with the modules
    and never get to the software part.

Index: sockstat.c
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/usr.bin/sockstat/sockstat.c,v
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -r1.17 sockstat.c
--- sockstat.c  16 Jun 2007 20:24:55 -0000      1.17
+++ sockstat.c  8 Jul 2008 19:40:11 -0000
@@ -94,6 +94,11 @@
        struct sock *next;
+struct procinfo {
+       const char *procname;
+       int jid;
 #define HASHSIZE 1009
 static struct sock *sockhash[HASHSIZE];
@@ -513,13 +518,16 @@
                return xprintf("%s:%d", addrstr, port);
-static const char *
-getprocname(pid_t pid)
+static int
+getprocinfo(pid_t pid, struct procinfo *pi_ptr)
        static struct kinfo_proc proc;
        size_t len;
        int mib[4];
+       if( pi_ptr == NULL )
+               return -1;
        mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
        mib[1] = KERN_PROC;
        mib[2] = KERN_PROC_PID;
@@ -529,9 +537,12 @@
                /* Do not warn if the process exits before we get its name. */
                if (errno != ESRCH)
-               return ("??");
+               return -1;
-       return (proc.ki_comm);
+       pi_ptr->procname = proc.ki_comm;
+       pi_ptr->jid = proc.ki_jid;
+       return (0);
 static int
@@ -564,11 +575,12 @@
        struct passwd *pwd;
        struct xfile *xf;
        struct sock *s;
+       struct procinfo pi;
        void *p;
        int hash, n, pos;
-       printf("%-8s %-10s %-5s %-2s %-6s %-21s %-21s\n",
-           "USER", "COMMAND", "PID", "FD", "PROTO",
+       printf("%-8s %-10s %-5s %-5s %-2s %-6s %-21s %-21s\n",
+           "USER", "COMMAND", "PID", "JID", "FD", "PROTO",
        for (xf = xfiles, n = 0; n < nxfiles; ++n, ++xf) {
@@ -583,33 +595,41 @@
                if (!check_ports(s))
                pos = 0;
+               if( -1 == getprocinfo(xf->xf_pid, &pi) )
+               {
+                       pi.procname = "??";
+                       pi.jid = -1;
+               }
                if ((pwd = getpwuid(xf->xf_uid)) == NULL)
                        pos += xprintf("%lu", (u_long)xf->xf_uid);
                        pos += xprintf("%s", pwd->pw_name);
                while (pos < 9)
                        pos += xprintf(" ");
-               pos += xprintf("%.10s", getprocname(xf->xf_pid));
+               pos += xprintf("%.10s", pi.procname);
                while (pos < 20)
                        pos += xprintf(" ");
                pos += xprintf("%lu", (u_long)xf->xf_pid);
                while (pos < 26)
                        pos += xprintf(" ");
+               pos += xprintf("%u", pi.jid);
+               while (pos < 32)
+                       pos += xprintf(" ");
                pos += xprintf("%d", xf->xf_fd);
-               while (pos < 29)
+               while (pos < 35)
                        pos += xprintf(" ");
                pos += xprintf("%s", s->protoname);
                if (s->vflag & INP_IPV4)
                        pos += xprintf("4");
                if (s->vflag & INP_IPV6)
                        pos += xprintf("6");
-               while (pos < 36)
+               while (pos < 42)
                        pos += xprintf(" ");
                switch (s->family) {
                case AF_INET:
                case AF_INET6:
                        pos += printaddr(s->family, &s->laddr);
-                       while (pos < 58)
+                       while (pos < 64)
                                pos += xprintf(" ");
                        pos += printaddr(s->family, &s->faddr);
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