Hello list,

is it possible to update the termcap in the next release for a support
of cs?

With regards
Stevan Tiefert

Excuse me for the top post, but the both attached mails are a
corrspondence with the author of x11/sirc which is explaining the

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
> Von: roger espel llima <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> An: Stevan Tiefert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Betreff: Re: Problem with sirc
> Datum: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 12:27:31 -0700 (PDT)
> Eps, that's some memories there, it's been years since I've
> joined IRC of any kind, or run sirc.
> My best guess would be to try changing TERM to something
> else which may be compatible, or running sirc under GNU
> Screen.  Basically it looks like the FreeBSD console can't
> do something sirc's interface wants, or isn't telling it that
> it can, so changing TERM would address the 2nd and
> using screen would address the 1st.
> Otherwise, you could always run X and run sirc in an 
> xterm :)
> good luck,
>   roger
> Stevan Tiefert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         Hello,
>         I was trying sirc on FreeBSD 7.0 and on the console sirc says
>         that it
>         couldn't change_scroll_region. I had to run sirc with the
>         -d argument
>         but that is not a good solution.
>         What should I do?
>         With regards
>         Stevan Tiefert

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