On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 08:09:35PM +0100, Marcel Stangenberger wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, [ISO-8859-2] Gannater J?nos wrote:
> > > > I use postfix as my default MTA.
> > > > I can send E-mails with Outlook (via SMTP) to the users in my
> > > computer,
> > > > but not to the outdside world, with another domain.
> > > > How can I send e-mails to another domain?
> > >
> > > I use Postfix but I'm would like to know a bit more about the issues
> > > you are having sending mail out. As long as you've correctly
> > > configured you main.cf file (located in /etc/postfix) to recognize
> > > your domain as a authorized domain for mail you should be fine. Also
> > > make sure you have a POP3 daemon running in /etc/inetd.conf so
> > that
> > > you can retrieve mail.
> > > I have been using Postfix for about 3 years and it's by far the
> > > easiest MTAs to configure. I hope this information helps you. But if
> > > not please feel free to reply.
> > I heared qmail is the easiest one. :)))
> > Never mind about that.
> > "By default, the Postfix SMTP server will accept mail only from or to the
> > local network or domain"--from postfix.org
> > And I would like to accept from another domain. So if I am in Mexico or
> > France I can send and E-mail without modifing my setup files.
> > My main.cf is the default one. Only some arguements are modified:
> > myhostname, that don't affect the smtp server?
> > How can I make my SMTP work this way? Of course with some security.
> >
> you can do this by adding the needed ip's to the $mynetworks setting in
> de
> main.cf
> Altho i do want to remind you to watch what you add, if you enter the IP
> wrong or add complete ranges you might end up beeing listed as an
> open-relay and your mail will be denied by many mailservers. It would
> probably be easier to setup a webmail service.

The secure way to do it is to install cyrus-sasl2, reinstall Postfix with
sasl and tls support, and configure saslauthd to use PAM for validation.
Then anyone with an account on your system can send mail from anywhere
without allowing anyone else to.

There are some good web pages on configuring things once they've been
installed -- they're written from a Linux pov, but are easily
adaptable if you ignore the installation part.  They're linked from
the Postfix documentation page (http://www.postfix.org/docs.html).
There's also one written for OpenBSD that is even better --
http://www.securitysage.com/guides/postfix_sasltls.html .  Note that
it is written for Postfix 1.1.11; Postfix 2.x changes some of it, but
the ports handle that fairly well.  Also note that cyrus-sasl2 won't
build with support for FreeBSD's base Kerberos 5 implementation --
you need to modify aclocal.m4 and rebuild configure to do that.

Jim Trigg, Lord High Everything Else  O-          /"\
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