route1="-net -iface ipw0"

How about this?

2008/6/9 Matt Brennan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Well, I can't be sure without seeing your entire routing table, but I
> would bet you need to do something more like this:
> route add -net -iface ipw0
> route add default
>  (or maybe route add default gw
> If that doesn't work try giving us the output from your routing table
> (netstat -rn).
> -Matt
> On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 10:27 AM, Svein Halvor Halvorsen
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I usually use the wired network at home, in which everything gets
>> configured automatically as soon as I attach the cable to my network
>> card.
>> However, when using the wireless network, I need to run
>>  # route add default -iface ipw0
>> This will give me a route to the gateway (, and I can ping
>> the gateway, as well as other machines on our local network. But if
>> I try to connect to anything outside of 10/24, I get a "no route to
>> host" error. If I manually add a route, with
>>  # route add x.y.z.t
>> I can connect to that host. If I change my default route to anything
>> but "-iface ipw0" I cannot connect to the gateway ( I
>> cannot keep adding routes to all hosts I need to connect to.
>> I've solved the problem for web usage, by running a proxy on another
>> machine on the local network (that's reachable)
>> What am I doing wrong?
>> I don't think I have a thorough understanding of network routes.
>>        Svein Halvor
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