From: Bob McConnell 
>From: Wojciech Puchar
>>> The basic setup sequence is:
>>>  ifconfig tap0 create
>>>  ifconfig tap0 inet
>>>  route -v add
>> ifconfig tap0 up
>> ?
> 'ifconfig' already showed the interface flag UP. Adding this command
> to the sequence has no effect on it. I also tried 'ifconfig tap0
> Is EFAULT really a memory access exception?
>>> At this point, I can ping that address and my application can open
>>> either /dev/net/tap0 or /dev/tap0. But when I try to read() from
>>> devices, I have problems.
>>> /dev/net/tap0 always returns with errno = 19 (ENODEV - Operation not
>>> supported?).
>>> /dev/tap0 returns errno = 14 (EFAULT - bad address). At this point,
>>> 'ifconfig' shows that the inet address is no longer attached and
>>> 'netstat -rn' shows the route I added above has been dropped.
>>> I have been searching for several days to find more information
>>> this device, but have not found anything specific to FreeBSD. All of
>>> examples and instructions are for Linux or tun(4), both of which are
>>> significantly different devices.
>>> My code so far:
>>> ----------------- tear along dotted line -----------------
>>>  tapFD = open ("/dev/tap0", O_RDWR);
>>>  if (tapFD < 0) {
>>>    fprintf (stderr, "Failed to open /dev/tap0: %d.\n", tapFD);
>>>    exit (2);
>>>  }
>>>  fprintf (stderr, "Successfully opened /dev/tap0.\n");
>>>  unsigned char * buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(1514);
>>>  if (buffer = NULL) {
>>>    fprintf (stderr, "No memory available.\n");
>>>    close (tapFD);
>>>    exit(3);
>>>  }

When I replace the malloc with an automatic array, the
error goes away and I get the data I am looking for. i.e.:

   unsigned char buffer[1514];

So why can't I use malloc to create that buffer?

>>>  int lenth = 0;
>>> again:
>>>  lenth = read(tapFD, buffer, 1514);
>>>  if (lenth < 0) {
>>>    int error = errno;
>>>    if (error == EINTR)
>>>      goto again;
>>>    fprintf (stderr, "tap read error: %d\n", error);
>>>  }
>>>  else {
>>>    int index;
>>>    fprintf (stdout, "%d bytes received.\n", lenth);
>>>    for (index = 0; index < lenth; ++index) {
>>>      fprintf (stdout, " %02x", buffer[index]);
>>>      if (index % 16 == 15)
>>>        fprintf (stdout, "\n");
>>>    }
>>>    fprintf (stdout, "\n");
>>>  }
>>>  close (tapFD);
>>> ----------------- tear along dotted line -----------------
>>> Just in the interest of full disclosure, I am running a stock
>>> installation of FreeBSD 7.0 in a VMWare 5.5.4 session on WinXP.
>>> are also two virtual Ethernet cards, one connected to a host only
>>> subnet, the other bridged onto a real Ethernet segment. I am using
>>> with DummyNet to inject some measure of reality into this system.
>>> This is the beginnings of a test bench for several commercial
>>> applications. My goal, once I get this device working, is to write
>>> application for tap(4) that will emulate a few hundred embedded
>>> each opening a socket directly to a server, which currently resides
>>> another VM session on the host only network. This setup, coupled
>>> real devices on the external network should give us a much more
>>> realistic environment for stress testing our systems.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Bob McConnell
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