Standard diagnostic rules apply. What does a coredump say? GDB? Did you remove all modules and readd 1-by-1 to isolate the problem if the modules are your suspicion? What is the frequency of the crashes?


On May 4, 2008, at 5:01 PM, Chris Maness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Toomas Aas wrote:
L, 03 mai   2008 kirjutas Chris Maness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Sorry about all of the e-mails. I remembered that I was having issues
with apache and the php5 module.  I have deinstalled php5 and apache
runs fine. However, even with the latest ports tree with apache13 and
php5 module rebuilt, apache crashes.

This might not be caused by mod_php5 as such, but by some PHP extension(s). I have seen cases where even the order in which extensions are loaded in /usr/local/etc/php/extensions.ini is significant. Have them in one order and you get coredumps. Move one extension from top to bottom - no more coredumps. This is one of the great mysteries of the nature. Happy experimenting :)

I tried that one too a while back. I rotated all of them from the bottom to the top, and it did not cure the problem.

Chris Maness
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