Gilles wrote:

I have some newbie questions:

1. Am I right in understanding that running "make ; make install" in
/usr/ports/ turns the port into a package, so that when I run
"pkg_info", it doesn't make any difference whether a package was
downloaded directly from the Net or compiled locally through the Ports
When you compile a port, a package is created and installed (but you get to select the options. Pre-built packages have the default options and are usually older versions). In fact, you can even use the ports to create packages and install them on other systems. (See man ports)
2. When I run "pkg_version -v", some of the packages are out of date.
Generally speaking, what is the safe way to update a package? I'm
worried about compiling a new version of a ports that will break the
one I already have up and running.
There are programs to automate and safeguard the upgrade. Look at ports-mgmt/portupgrade
3. Do I really need to run both "csup standard-supfile ; csup
ports-supfile" to update my ports collection? What's the difference
between the two?

Thank you.

No. You just need the ports-supfile. The standard supfile is for the base system. Assuming you are running a -RELEASE version of FreeBSD and you just want to get the latest security fixes and patches for the base system, you only need to use the freebsd-update utility. It is as simple as this:

freebsd-update fetch
freebsd-update install
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