Manolis Kiagias wrote:
Da Rock wrote:
On Fri, 2008-04-18 at 10:11 +0300, Manolis Kiagias wrote:
Da Rock wrote:
Hey, hey... I made a boo boo and ordered a unit with this nic onboard
(truthfully, I never thought I'd have any trouble since I had done this
before). Loaded 7 and couldn't find the nic. A little investigation
found that the nic was the above, and a little further found that there
was no support for it in the hcl's.
Now I do find it hard to believe there is no way around this- I found a
driver for FBSD4.5-6, is there one for 6.2 or higher? Or will this one
work? Anyone know how to install it?
The driver is only a c and a h file- Makefile is an empty file, and the
readme tells me to rebuild the kernel after removing rl and re in the
conf. Then I build the driver, and kldload it. Any idea why I'd have to
rebuild the kernel?
Cheers guys
I've seen this driver too (I've investigated for a friend who bought
a similar motherboard that otherwise works with 7). The readme
describes two "methods" of installation but the first one simply does
not apply (there is no modules directory in the download). I have not
tried the second method (looks reasonable though). Removing the rl
and re from the kernel will remove the built-in support (it could
conflict with the new driver) and create a module for the new driver.
Note that you are also asked to replace the files in the FreeBSD src
directories. In fact it is better to build as a module - building it
into the kernel may well leave you with an unbootable kernel if it is
not compatible.
As I said, I have not done this (my friend will be running Linux on
this box) but as more and more recent mobos seem to use this NIC -
and I may be buying one- if you are willing to give it a try, I will
be interested in the results.
Well I just tried it- I put this out there for some feedback mainly- the
kernel rebuild is to remove the old rl and re drivers completely, and
the build for the driver is for a module.
Unfortunately the result is a failure: compatibility issues or some sort
(argument warnings, not enough args, invalid variables and functions).
My question is will I find something to work for 7? If not, will it work
on 6.2 or 6.3 (it only says 6 in the readme's)?
I hope realtek releases a driver for 7. I would not want to go back to
6.X for this.
I have a 6.3 server, and can give it a try - as far as compiling the
module, not actually using it, I don't have the NIC.
I will post the results later today.
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I have replaced 8111c. Use Tealtek 8169 1000.pci cards on FreeBSD 7/8
I saw reports on this list about 8111c being a bad nic.
So I changed and the 8169 is really great.
~Al Plant - Honolulu, Hawaii - Phone: 808-284-2740
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