On 4/7/08, behnam zahabi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello
>  I have this problem:
>  When i make change in ''inted.conf'' (delete ''#'' ) i can't save this file 
> (when i want to save, it say unable to create file).
>   I think it happens because this file is read only, how can i disable this?
>   How can i solve this problem.
>  Please answer me , it is so important to me.
>  Best Regards
>  Behnam Zahabizadeh

Are yuu root?  Remember on UNIX based boxes (including Linux, *BSD,
etc) you have to be root before you can make administrative level
changes to the box.

You may not understand it yet, but changing inetd is an administrative
function and you have to be root to do it.

issue a "su -" at a command prompt and it will ask for your admin
password, then try to edit the file again.

when you are done "exit" out of your root session.
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