On 29.03.2008, at 01:25, Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET wrote:

        Is there a quick/easy (cookbook?) way to do port
redirects. Basically I want that anything that leaves
a specific interface to any ip on port 80 go to port 87.

        I'm using ipfw for some other things so it has to
work and play well with that.

                        Thanks, Tuc

In case you want to try transparent proxying you need to look into firewalling.
I can only tell you how this would work with OpebBSD's PF since I use it
myself and quite like it. :-)

Have a look at pf.conf(5), but it should work like this (in /etc/ pf.conf):
int_if = "em0"

rdr on $int_if proto tcp from $int_if:network port { 80 } -> port 87
In this example you need to specify your network interface as int_if (in my case it is em0)

If this doesn't suit your situation, you probably need to give us more information: The kind of network setup you use (eg internal -> firewall -> external) and what needs to connect to and from where. do you have a firewall solution in place (PF, ipfilter, ipfw)? And what do
you need to achieve?

br & good luck,
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