Mike Jeays wrote:
On March 27, 2008 03:09:42 pm mdh wrote:
--- David Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 01:53:57PM -0400, Joe Demeny
In the end, the best advice seems to be indeed to
take the FreeBSD CD
to the brick-and-mortar store...
Or you could purchase an Apple Mac Book and have a
supported Unix pre-installed. Guess that would take
all the "fun" out of
I would get ThinkPad T30 or T23 from Ebay. They will work just fine with
They go for $190-250.
While I like Mac products and OSX is pretty cool, I
still find their laptops a bit pricey.
By the by, has anyone tried FreeBSD on one of those
little Asus EEEpc sublaptops? A real, tiny, i386
laptop for $300 (plus maybe a bit more for an
additional SD card to bump the storage some) seems
like a truly awesome deal.
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I bought an Eee PC, but haven't tried any other software on it yet. I can
confirm that the hardware is a bargain, and I used it 'as is' while
travelling for ten days, and it connected 'out of the box' to the wireless
service provided in each hotel. A mouse is a great help, although the
built-in pad is quite usable. I had no trouble with the tiny keyboard,
except for needing the light on to read the keys.
They are a really great innovation, IMHO. I am really pleased with mine.
The wireless card may be the problem with FreeBSD.
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