
I'd have to look at this some more.  I got much further in the porting
when I hit another snag with the vmblock driver (the inline assembly
needs to be __asm__ instead of asm or something needs to process it
that way for it to work, I also hacked around a vfsops issue which I'm
not 100% sure what should really be there) and then all of it needs to
be devtested.  I use VMWare Fusion and have installed the existing
vmtools that come with the product along with installing the
individual X11 vmware driver which works for me but I agree it would
be nice to have full port to FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE.

I'm sorry for not giving you patch files its just I was doing this on
and off as a exercise to learn a little bit more about it....

I believe at least now as you said, the userland stuff builds fine now.



On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 4:58 PM, Paul Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --On Tuesday, March 18, 2008 15:24:53 -0400 Alexander Sack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  wrote:
>  >
> > bus_setup_intr() kernel API seems to have either changed or handled
>  > differently in 7.0.  I believe you can add a NULL after the flags
>  > (INTR_MPSAFE) which tells BSD to use the standard interrupt handler
>  > instead of a top-level handler.
>  >
>  > _ac_enaddr is because arpcom as defined in net/if_arp.h no longer
>  > exists.  Typically the protocol bits are stuffed in if_l2com (layer
>  > 2).
>  >
>  > I made the macro in net_compat.h
>  >
>  ># define VXN_SC2ENADDR(softc)        (IF_LLADDR(VXN_SC2IFP(softc))
>  >
>  > and then removed the "&" from both references in if_vxn.c as this
>  > macro already returns a pointer to char.
>  >
>  > That got me past this problem.  Btw, this isn't an official port since
>  > I didn't really rectify the net_compat.h stuff (I suppose you could
>  > make the 600000 to 700055, etc.).
>  >
>  > I'm still getting some further issues with vnodeops and vfsops with
>  > some modules (I believe vops_lcok should be vops_lock1) but I don't
>  > know about the other problem.
>  >
>  Well, you're way beyond my skill level now.  I'll be happy to create a port 
> for
>  this, but someone with a much deeper knowledge of FreeBSD and C is going to
>  have to resolve the problems with the modules.
>  If someone is interested in doing that, I'll submit the patches to the
>  developers *and* add them to the port so that it can be committed.  (Other 
> than
>  the kernel modules, the software builds fine from what I can tell.)
>  --
> Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>  Senior Information Security Analyst
>  The University of Texas at Dallas
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