This One Time, at Band Camp, Christian Zachariasen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said, On 
Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 05:28:10PM +0100:
> I can, from the bottom of my heart, recommend TorrentFlux (
> I used it for over two years on my shared
> server and it worked great. The great thing is - it's in ports!
> (/net-p2p/torrentflux).

Actually I use tf-b4rt[1] a TorrentFlux fork ( Better than TF trust
me) since 2 years now, The reason I want Azureus, is because running
10 ~ 15 torrents on TF takes my server's load up to 10 even 15
sometimes, I had a headless Azureus on Gentoo (before I moved to
FreeBSD) and running up to 20 Torrents keeps the load at 3 tops!!!

I could perhaps use rTorrent but if I succeed into making rtorrent
identifies as Azureus, Private trackers sucks!!! Speaking of this
*cheat* I did modify libtorrent's configure script, replaced
PEER_NAME's value with -az3050- but didn't work, did anyone change the
PEER ID successfully?? I used the below sed command:
-------- CUT
"az\\\\x30\\\\x50"@g' \
    -i configure
-------- CUT

I also tried -ut1770- for latest utorrent still nothing :S


> On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 6:22 PM, Wael Nasreddine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > This One Time, at Band Camp, Wojciech Puchar <
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> said, On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 06:11:28PM
> > +0100:
> > >> I have a server at home, I use it as a mail server, as well as P2P
> > >> instead of running P2P on my Laptop, I run it on the server and I just
> > >> use clients to control it...

> > > isn't azureus a torrent program.

> > Yes it is.

> > > use rtorrent, it's text mode and is fast

> > rtorrent is a fast text mode, but It has no WEB controller and no
> > multiuser :S

> > I require WEB Controler + Multiuser because my uncle uses my server to
> > download torrents as his ISP filter P2P packets...

> > Thanks.

> > --
> > Wael Nasreddine
> >
> > PGP: 1024D/C8DD18A2 06F6 1622 4BC8 4CEB D724  DE12 5565 3945 C8DD 18A2

> > .: An infinite number of monkeys typing into GNU emacs,
> >   would never make a good program. (L. Torvalds 1995) :.

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Wael Nasreddine
PGP: 1024D/C8DD18A2 06F6 1622 4BC8 4CEB D724  DE12 5565 3945 C8DD 18A2

.: An infinite number of monkeys typing into GNU emacs,
   would never make a good program. (L. Torvalds 1995) :.

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