
On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 5:05 AM, Steven Friedrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have two installed:
>  diablo-jdk-
>  jdk-,1
>  I looked at the freebsd java pages, but I still don't know...
It seems that you have diablo jdk and sun jdk installed on your machine.

Diablo JDK is available from the FreeBSD Foundation; Sun JDK is
available, of course from Sun.

>From the point of view of the end user or even the Java programmer
there is no differences - both jdk's offer the same public APIs,
compilers, runtime environments, etc.

The Java packages available from the FreeBSD Foundation are based on
the same codebase as any other 1.5 JDK or JRE from Sun. And the Java
binary packages from FreeBSD Foundation are certified. See


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