In line...

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Norgaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 12:23 pm
Subject: Re: My Rebuild Problem

> Hi: 
> I wrote earlier, got one response. It was way off course, so I´m rewriting. 
> No, I can rebuild X11 if I can solve the following problem: 
> > Strange problem here. /usr/local got wiped for no reason I can think of. 
> > Everything. Nothing there at all. I can´t > even change the pw. Nothing on 
> > this build anyway. But went to rebuild (6.2) and > got caught in a loop -- 
> > note, that´s a loop -- in these steps: 
> -- Select Drive 
> > -- FDISK Partition Editor ("Q") 
> > -- Install Boot Manager 
> > I would prefer to rebuild (note: rebuild) because I want to add X Windows 
> > (that´s ADD X) and I´d rather not > have to rebuild the kernel. How can I 
> > wipe the drive? If I cannot rebuild, can I > just add the ports? What about 
> > changing pw? 
> 1) I'm not sure what you mean about "rebuild" - I wouldn't ever need fdisk or 
> install boot manager for that - are you reinstalling? Are 
> you using sysinstall for recovery? 

I was just going to reinstall. There is nothing important on the hd.
> 2) Are you having an error that gets you into single user or similar? Maybe 
> you can't change the password because your root partition is 
> mounted read only. 

No. I can log in. I just can't change pw.
> Post the output of this command: 
> # mount 
> For example, when my root partition is read-only, I get 
> /dev/ad0s1a on / (ufs, local, read-only) 
> and also post output from, 
> # df 
I can do this at home...not now. I can post the output next time I'm online, 
which could be tomorrow or as late as Saturday.

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