On Wed, 6 Feb 2008, Jerry McAllister wrote:
On Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 08:22:16PM +0100, Frank Staals wrote:
Frank Staals wrote:
Every 2 weeks or so I rebuild my sources on my laptop ( Dell Latitude
D630 ). Last wednesday I wanted to update my system again since it was
allready a couple of weeks ago I rebuilded my sources. There were no
abnormalities during the build/install. But when I restarted my system
the system performance was absolutely *horrible*. When I try typing
anything in a terminal window the lag is about 20 seconds before the
command even shows up. Switching ttys takes at least as long. When
logging in remotely the performance is better; giving a random command
through the ssh session sometimes even allows a command run on a
local-console to run/finish ( or at least thats what the screen shows ).
Even trying to shutdown the system using shutdown -p now doesn't have
any effect: I get the message "System is going down NOW" but nothing
realy happens, I just get my prompt back and I can continue entering
commands. When I push the power-off button the system actually starts
shutting down but it stops at "Writing entropy file ." leaving my
only choise to power off the system the hard way. When booting the
system to single-user mode however it reacts normally and also
shutting down works as it should
Last 2 days I tried redownloading the sources from a different mirror
( cvsup2.freebsd.org instead of cvsup.nl.freebsd.org ) to rule out
outdated/corrupted sources. But I still get the same behaviour.
Gladly I still had my previous sources so I managed to restore my
system in a working state. Those sources are from about 3 weeks ago.
Does anyone know what could have caused this behaviour and how to fix
it ? Below is some system information, however I'm not sure what I
should provide to help out, if I should test something I'll gladly do.
Sounds like the system is spending a lot of time waiting for some
resource - I don't know which one[s].
Have you perused the system logs? Can you be running out of memory
or swap space? Is the system built with debugging turned on?
I'm not sure what else to suggest.
if you have not already done so turn on all.log (see etc/syslog.conf)
Working system (sources from about 3 weeks ago, rebuilded today ) :
FreeBSD Rena.FStaals.net 7.0-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 7.0-PRERELEASE #0: Fri
Feb 1 20:23:11 CET 2008 root@:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/RENAKERNEL i386
dmesg: http://fstaals.net/junk/rena/dmesg_old.txt
With today's ( 1 frebruary 2008 ) sources :
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cat /root/uname
FreeBSD 7.0-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 7.0-PRERELEASE #0: Fri Feb 1 18:32:59
CET 2008 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/RENAKERNEL i386
dmesg: http://fstaals.net/junk/rena/dmesg_2008_01_02.txt
Kernel config used for both the builds :
Updated my sources again today. This time even build with a GENERIC
kernel but still the same result. Is there nobody who can help me with
this ?
-Frank Staals
if you have not already done so turn on all.log (see etc/syslog.conf)
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