Le 30/01/08 à 13:32, Kemian Dang téléscripta :
> Hi, everyone,
> I have installed the FB7-rc1 and the nvidia driver from port and kept 
> update to the newest version, but when I change the xorg.conf to use the 
> "nvidia" instead of "nv", the X gave a complain about no /dev/nvidiactl and 
> stops, so I can only use nv, which seems slow on some 3d application.
> I tried to download the source from nvidia web page to compile, but it said 
> it is not for fb7 now. But, when I install from port, it did not give any 
> error or warning.
> So, have anyone tried nvidia driver on fb7 and succeed? Please give some 
> advice on how to solve this problem.

Are you loading the nvidia module at boot time? I remember someone
explaining that the nvidia module needs to register the card before the
kernel. A kldload is unsifficient, you need to reboot with this in your



Baptiste Grenier | PGP: 0x069112E2
HealthGrid SysAdmin

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