What I'd like to know is whether there's any way for me to ensure that the
da0 disk always appears as da0. I don't want it that tomm I plug in another
disk (or change the order of disks, though I'll be more careful with that)
and suddenly da0 is no longer at da0! That would hamper the boot process
... not nice.
It is possible, but not as daX. Use the glabel(8) utility to label your
disks. They will show up as /dev/label/<yourlabel>
The daX devices are created as the device is plugged in, so AFAIK it's
impossible to permanently assign them a certain daX device.
Just mentioning this for archival purposes.
If you are mounting a device as /dev/label/<yourlabel> at boot time, it
will fail unless you add a ''geom_label_load="YES"'' to your
/boot/loader.conf file. Had me stumped for a while. This loads the geom
label module at boot time and so labels are recognized.
- Rakhesh
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