On Fri, 17 Jan 2003, Matthew Seaman wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 17, 2003 at 03:23:54AM -0500, Peter Leftwich wrote:
> > I just upgraded from 4.6.2 to 4.7 after accidentally, yes, as root, wiping
> > out my /usr/local/bin/ folder with an "rm -rf" (I thought I was in
> > /somemounteddrive/usr/local/bin/ and was removing unneeded stuff)!

I also noticed that upgrading from 4.6.2 to 4.7 changes your /etc/rc.conf
(as happened when I went from 4.5 to 4.6.2) so that if moused is using
/dev/ums0 (USB), these lines (the =YES ones) will be gone from rc.conf!

> > I also removed /usr/local/lib/ by accident and now "startx" and lots of
> > different "pkg_add -rf package" commands are giving me errors about
> > expecting different libraries.  Is there a way to manually install these?
> > Please help, you're my only hope! =)  Yours, faithfully as root right now,
> I assume from the desperate nature of this plea that you don't have
> good backups of all the stuff you accidentally deleted.

0 backups, always logging in as root... I break ALL the rules :)

> Hmmm...  Do you have portupgrade installed?  Does it still work?

I really never use cvs, cvsup, the ports tree (takes up too much space, and
is a top-down approach, or bottom-up, I donno) or portupgrade.

> If not, try re-installing it from packages from one of the ftp sites.
> You'll also need the packages it depends on:
>     % pkg_info -r portupgrade\*
>     Information for portupgrade-20021216:

Innnnnnteresting command (makes a mental note).  I use pkg_add -r a lot
(and -rf) and this is good to know.  When pkg_add tells the user something
is already installed, did it find the binary in /usr/local/bin/ or a
directory in /var/db/pkg/*dir-here*/ ?  What's its evidence?

>     Depends on:
>     Dependency: ruby-1.6.8
>     Dependency: ruby-shim-ruby18-1.8.0.p1
>     Dependency: ruby-bdb1-0.1.8
> Then make sure your ports tree is up to date, and you've rebuilt the
> indexes and fixed up the package dependencies:
>     # portsdb -Uu
>     # pkgdb -Fv
> and then use portupgrade to force a reinstall of all previously
> installed packages:
>     # portinstall -rRiaf
> This should work through all installed packages in dependency order,
> prompting you each time if you want to de-install and then re-install
> the package.  If you'ld prefer to install pre-compiled packages rather
> than compile from ports, add 'P' to that list of flags.
>       Cheers,
>       Matthew
> Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
>                                                       Savill Way
> PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey         Marlow
> Tel: +44 1628 476614                                  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK

Thank you for your help, but I'm attending a meeting (www.sdbug.org)
tonight and someone ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is going to tutor me at my PC later
on so we shall see...  Wish me luck!!! :)  I LOVE FREEBSD.  arr, make me

Peter Leftwich
President & Founder, Video2Video Services
Box 13692, La Jolla, CA, 92039 USA

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