On Fri, Jan 04, 2008 at 05:29:22PM -0800, Roger B.A. Klorese wrote:
> Gary Kline wrote:
>>      Neither works; I thought the second mightt. *Which* config file?
> Your sendmail config file.

        my dns server was down for hour; just got it back; and to the net.
        by sheer luck, i found two files i had left in /etc/rc.d/ that needed 
to be removed.

        sendmail.cf :: i'm not that savvy about the mua, but have been using it 
        enough that i Ought to be.... somehow, thinngs usually work; or used to.
        ii just began using the local--host-names file.    everywhere. 
        [[ well, one server is ubuntu and using a different mailer; but 
           everywhere else. ]]

        no diff.  i also filled in "smart-host" in the .mc file. i did a
        make install. no difference...


Gary Kline  Seattle BSD Users' Group (seabug)      | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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