
here is a snip of dmesg:

Starting sshd.
Starting cron.
Local package initialization:
Starting Init....
Starting Samba....
Removing stale Samba tdb files:
Starting Init....
Starting Samba....
Removing stale Samba tdb files:
i have only 2 scripts in  /usr/local/etc/rc.d:
 init.sh, which starts vsftpd and a dyndns client
and samba.sh.

As you can see, the scripts in that directory are beeing ran twice !. I looked 
up and down the server (/etc/init.d specially), trying to see why this is 
happening and I can't find anything !.

Would anybody have a suggestion on what I should look for?


P.S. - I wish you all a happy 2008 ! My guts keep telling me that this is 
going to be a great year for FreeBSD !!
Mario Lobo
FreeBSD since version 2.2.8 [not Pro-Audio.... YET!!] (99,7% winedows FREE)
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