> -----Original Message-----
> From: Heiko Wundram (Beenic) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, December 14, 2007 2:57 PM
> To: Ted Mittelstaedt
> Cc: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
> Subject: Re: Suggestions please for what POP or IMAP servers to use
> Am Freitag, 14. Dezember 2007 23:14:32 schrieb Ted Mittelstaedt:
> > As I said I did a survey of all known web clients earlier this
> > year that did not require a specific server - I might have even
> posted it
> > to the list.  But I guess that's a challenge to some people to "prove" I
> > don't know what
> > I'm talking about. ;-)
> >
> > If you feel you must avoid "c-client" you can do it
> > the following way:
> >
> > 1) The webmail that comes with SquirrelMail I would be surprised if it
> > uses it - but, that webmail is inseparable from the SquirrelMail SMTP
> > server and cannot be installed separately.  I didn't test it because of
> > that.
> Sorry to say this, but you do not know what you're talking about.
> SquirrelMail
> is a stand-alone webmail application, which has nothing to do and is not
> affiliated with any form of SMTP server.

I'm glad to know that.  I'll have to take a look at it then.

> Anyway, what you're probably referring to is the Courier webmail module
> (called somewhat similarly) SqWebMail
> (http://www.courier-mta.org/sqwebmail/), which really does not
> use cclient,
> as it accesses the mailboxes (in Maildir format) directly, but
> this comes at
> the price that the WebMail-server (and application) must have
> some form of
> read/write _filesystem access_ to all user's mailboxes being able
> to access
> the WebMail application, which generally is not what I as a
> responsible admin
> want to have; either, all mail accounts have to share the same
> UID/GID as the
> web application, or the web application requires some form of mod_suid
> functionality, which is not okay in either case.

It is dangerous to put any webmail application on a mailserver
for a couple reasons.  First it is possible for users of the
app (assuming the app has the ability to save mail) to overflow
directories on the mailserver.  However more seriously, any
www application is always subject to security issues - a hole in
the application, even if the apache version your using is secure -
allows spammers to relay through your mailserver.  Mailservers are
of course, the most desired of spam relays.

> As I said earlier, it's a felt fact (I have no hard evidence to
> support this)
> that SquirrelMail and IMP are the most commonly used and
> installed WebMail
> applications out in the wild, and you'll find almost no mail-server
> administrator who hasn't heard of these two. And both of them (can) use
> cclient indirectly through PHP, and at least until the last time
> I set up a
> mail-server with IMP (which is around a year ago) didn't have a pure PHP
> implementation of the IMAP protocol.

I think OpenWebmail is probably equal or surpassing one of those.
In terms of features, OpenWebmail has all the other webmail apps
out there beaten - except for IMP, and possibly squirrelmail, but
I don't know enough about squirrelmail to rate it.

In the last analysis, the most users will gravitate towards the
webmail app that has the most features.

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