At 06:35 PM 2/5/2003 +0100, you wrote:
On Wed, 05 Feb 2003 12:19:40 -0500

> Does anyone know or understand what is going on in the ports
> collection - at this moment, there seems to be a problem with the
> kdegames3 port - it just doesn't seem to be there, thus preventing the
> update of the kde3 group of programs.


flynn@christine# cd /usr/ports/games/kdegames3/
flynn@christine# cat distinfo
MD5 (KDE/kdegames-3.1.tar.bz2) = cfc3fef5f162dc7ecd9465a11bdf9b1b

When did you cvsup?
About half an hour before I posted - now, several hours ago. I just checked the fbsd site and there are no sources for kdegames-3.0.4 :((
I've been trying to update kde3 for several days, now, and I had a problem with /audio/arts first, and now with kdegames - weird.... And it ain't me, mate, if the stuff isn't on the site, where is it?

 In fact, I have KDE 3.1 running here, and can tell
you, Kolf rocks :)

        Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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        Of course it runs NetBSD!

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