Patrick Baldwin wrote:
> Philip M. Gollucci wrote:
>> Patrick Baldwin wrote:
>>> I was reading through the handbook section on updating, as I'd
>>> like to update a FreeBSD 6.2 system.  One of the things I noticed
>>> is that you need to specify what kernel you want in the KERNCONF
>>> line.  Is there any way to get a running FreeBSD system to tell
>>> me what kernel is being used?
>> uname -a
>> FreeBSD philip.hq.rws 8.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT #0: Tue Nov  6
>> 16:28:12 EST 2007
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/RIDERWAY  i386
>> Notice the path at the end.
> OK, the path at the end for me is:
> /usr/obj/usr/src/sys/SMP  i386
That is GENERIC with except that is has support mutiple CPUs

> However, when I use uname -i as someone else suggested, it gives me:
> So which do I substitute for MYKERNEL in the KERNCONF lines:
> make buildkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL
> make installkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL
make buildkernel KERNCONF=SMP

OR, you can do

echo "KERNCONF?=SMP" >> /etc/make.conf
make buildkernel
make installkernel

In 7.0+ its /etc/src.conf

If you ever compile a custom kernel you'd use that name instead.

Philip M. Gollucci ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Senior System Admin - Riderway, Inc. /
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love like you'll never get hurt,
and dance like nobody's watching.

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