At 07:48 AM 2/4/2003 -0800, you wrote:
On Tuesday 04 February 2003 07:00 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Some time ago I chose FreeBSD over all other *nix systems because I
> found the system better managed, easier to administrate, better
> supported and simpler to update and upgrade both the OS and the
> programs - especially through portupgrade.
> Several times I have encountered glitches in the update process; some
> I managed to figure out what the problem was, some other I just had
> to wait until the port was corrected then re-cvsup and portupgrade.
> This, on 2 similar FBSD v.4.7 installations.
> Currently I have encountered problems with updating KDE3 (because
> kdegames3 had some sort of problem - I don't have time for the games
> anyway, but this messes up the update - and the audio/arts program
> also had problems) and Openoffice 1.02.

I think you have something else that is wrong. For example, if you check
the cvs-repository, nothing has been modified on kdegames since it was
updated to version 3.1 6 days ago. About 18 hours ago, I cvsuped
ports-all, rebuilt INDEX like you are supposed to do after cvsuping,
and then ran

portupgrade -pufr qt

This rebuilt all of the ports that depend on qt-3.1.1_2 and pretty much
includes all of kde and arts.

What version are you trying to upgrade kde from? The older versions
basically require a package delete and fresh install. They also don't
work with XFree86-3.3.6. You have to use version 4.x.

If a port requires to much space, then you need to use the prebuilt

On further checking on the /audio/arts port, I found the following: When I try to update the port, a wrong version is indicated - the installed version is arts-1.0.4,1 and the portupgrade program is trying to updat to 3.1,1 (which doesn't exist).
On the ports site, there is no link to the sources - What is going on here?

BTW, I am using the latest version of XFree86 (4.2 or whatever, not the 3.6.6) and I regularly update - usually on Weekends. Usually, the problems I encounter are just the kind of thing I am experiencing now, there is no source listed for the arts program and the rest of the KDE3 port seems to be unaware of this .... :((

Now, what do I do? :((

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