On Nov 9, 2007 7:00 AM, Adam J Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Andrew Falanga wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> I botched my 6.9-7.2 upgrade too. It's easy to do even if you follow the
> instructions. Can't remember what the problem was now, certainly it was
> something no one else had, typical. :^) Ah well, all fixed now anyway.
> It's easy to botch even a simple install of X. Took me a while to learn
> that you have to install 1) Xorg, 2) mesa-demos, 3) nVidia driver, in
> that order (assuming you want mesa-demos, of course).
> Regards,
> Adam J Richardson

Thanks.  Unfortunately, I'm using amd64 and the nVidia driver isn't yet
ported (there was a thread on the reason why quite some time ago, it's
something to do with FreeBSD internally).

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