On Thu, 2007-10-11 at 21:23 +0200, mr. phreak wrote:

> hi. I have a question regarding NFS-exports.
> /etc/exports
> /diskless/ro    -ro -maproot=root leia
> /diskless/kernels leia
> /diskless/rw   leia
> /usr    -ro -alldirs leia
> /home   -alldirs leia
> /etc    -ro -alldirs -maproot=root leia
> but mountd only recognize /diskless/ro - /usr - /home/ and /etc 
> (showmount -e). How can I export
> /diskless/ro -ro && /diskless/kernels with rw && /diskless/rw with rw 
> tothe same host???
> Also, I have another question. Is it possible to run a diskless system 
> with /var and /tmp mounted
> on a NFS-mount instead of using memory-disks? If possible, I'd gladly 
> appreciate some tips or
> links.
> Best regards,
> J
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Check out the handbook page on NFS:


"In /etc/exports, each line represents the export information for one
file system to one host. A remote host can only be specified once per
file system, and may only have one default entry. For example, assume
that /usr is a single file system. The following /etc/exports would be

# Invalid when /usr is one file system
/usr/src client
/usr/ports client

One file system, /usr, has two lines specifying exports to the same
host, client. The correct format for this situation is:

/usr/src /usr/ports client

The properties of one file system exported to a given host must all
occur on one line. Lines without a client specified are treated as a
single host. This limits how you can export file systems, but for most
people this is not an issue."
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