I would suggest investing in a detachable storage media. My personal
favorite is this one from Maxtor Solutions...
You have the option of direct attach via USB or NetAttach via
10/100/1000BT, the latter would be good because you can serve the
files from the device while you are transitioning the server. In any
event it would make your transition fairly headache free.
Mikel King
CITO, Tech Alliance, INC
Senior Editor, Daemon News
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How do you spell cooperation? Pessimists use
each other, but optimists help each other.
Collaboration feeds your spirit, while
competition only stokes your ego. You'll
find the best way to get along.
On Sep 28, 2007, at 9:52 AM, Alexandre Biancalana wrote:
Hi list,
I've to backup a large window$ 2003 FileServer (~800GB) from my new
FreeBSD BackupServer (before I can change this fileserver to FreeBSD).
I'm trying cygwin+rsync on FileServer side and rsync+hardlinks on
BackupServer side.
Using rsync the two great advantages are:
1. Only copy the changes
2. on the BackupServer side I use hardlinks from the older
with this only space consumed is from file that where changed.
on the bad side:
1. Problems with long pathnames
2. Problems with unicode filenames
3. Very slow copy ~ 2MB/s (I've doubt if this can be improved
using any
other copy method)
I want hear some ideas from the list about the options available to
accomplish this job.
Best Regards,
Alexandre Biancalana
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