On Thu, Aug 30, 2007 at 07:53:50PM -0300, NĂ©lio Mesquita wrote:

> Hello to all!
> Just for curiosity, why the FreeBSD logo is a little devil? Is there a
> history around it?

There is so much history it would take you several days to read it all.
Just look for stuff on 'Beastie' or 'Bsd' or other variations of
spelling on it and also look for BSD daemon.    There is stuff in
the list archive and on the FreeBSD web site and on various online
publications.   There are links to information and copyright information
on the FreeBSD web site.

There will also probably be loads of people replying to tell you
that it is not a devil but a character representing a daemon that
is a helpful sprite and that it is not a logo, but a mascot.

You can also buy stickers and plush toys, etc at bsd mall and
probably other places.


> Thank you!
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