--- Bill Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> L Goodwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Chuck, I'd prefer to have the script handle the
> > mailing  so I can test the script (with email
> send)
> > manually, independent of cron.
> Why?  What is your reason for overcomplicating this
> task by refusing
> to use the facilities built into the system?
> > Still looking for specifics on setting this up and
> a
> > bourne shell script example that sends an email.
> > Thanks!
> Use mail(1).  That's what it's there for.
Huh? I want to use cron to run the script, but want
more control over when and where email gets sent. The
business reasons are sound. Anyway, a script that
sends email is not complicated, so how can I be
overcomplicating anything?

Also, recent posts to freebsd-questions on the subject
of sending email from cron seemed to favor having the
script handle the mailing instead of cron. Anyway, I
do not want the client to receive an email if the
backup fails.

Bill, I'm just trying to figure stuff out here. I'm
sorry if my ignorance offends you.
I don't know how others feel about it, but I'd prefer
not to get negative, condescending replies to my
sincerely aimed questions. After all, this is a forum
for questions, isn't it?

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