On Thu, 23 Aug 2007 18:00:20 -0500
Paul Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Of course it does, because it requires no work on your part.  It's
> always "better" if you can get someone else to expend energy on your
> behalf while you sit back and reap the benefits.  That's why
> unthinking people love socialism.

Uhuhuh, you confused pure laziness with socialism (philosophical
surely, historic implementations partially). Open source is very
much like philosophical socialism as described by XIX- and XX-century
philosophers: if you don't like the way things are done (e.g. how the
road in front of your house looks like), please _do_ help: take a
shovel, hammer, and _do_ (really, physically do) something. Similarly,
please sit at your keyboard and do real programming.

But _don't_ do two things:

  (1) don't pay, because someone will repair the road for you (the
      same as with microsoft) = you will _do_ nothing, the road won't
      be your work, but the work of others;

  (2) don't be lazy, i.e. don't wait for others to work for you as it
      won't happen.

* Socialism (and open source and open source support groups, etc) =
  = insisting on both (1) and (2);
* paying (as in (1)) is generally not acceptable in socialism;
* paying (as in (1)) is acceptable in non-socialism (and closed source);
* laziness (as in (2)) is not acceptable in both socialism and
  non-socialism, but
* socialism sees paying (as in (1)) as a form of laziness.

Important philosophical notions should be used carefully, especially
if you want to degrade something. Anyway this is off-topic here.

Nikola Lečić
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