> Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2007 22:49:47 +0530> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
> FreeBSD-Questions@FreeBSD.ORG> CC: > Subject: Re: FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p7 box 
> crashing> > ,--[ On Mon, Aug 20, 2007 at 07:33:05AM -0500, Eric Crist wrote:> 
> | Sorry to reply again so soon, but I failed to read through your > | 
> attachment before sending my previous message. I notice that your > | system 
> seems to have crashed at least a few times during the loading > | of 
> PowerDNS. Immediately before, there's a warning about the > | variables in 
> /etc/rc.conf:> 
It would be interesting to see your logs and the content of rc.conf, it would 
provide us a better idea on what is happening.
> Sometimes, it also crashed when I restarted 'avahi-daemon'.> > | > | Aug 20 
> 15:50:43 chatteau root: /etc/rc: WARNING: $pdnsd_enable is not > | set 
> properly - see rc.conf(5).> > I've installed pdns and pdns-recursor, but I'm 
> using pdns-recursor> only, and $pdnsd_enable is set to "no". And I'm running 
> this setup since> June, 2007.> 
Has the package been running stable since then, what changes have you done to 
it. Upgrade, patching or have you had any file system corruption. Let us know.
> | > | Also, have you tried booting with ACPI disabled? I know there are > | 
> still some systems out there that don't quite work the way they ought > | 
> to.> > No, I've not tried that. But, to me, it looks like filesystem is bad,> 
> and some of the files in use by services like avahi, pdns are corrupt,> so 
> thats why it is crashing. Is there any possiblity like such ?> Anyways, I'll 
> boot with ACPI disabled, or even boot in single-user mode,> and repair my 
> filesystem first.> 
It makes sence to drop into single user and check your file system to see if 
there is anything wrong with them, specially the one that is holding the 
package/port and the data of such. Come back and let us know, don't forget to 
check the loggin section of that package, that could provide you with some good 
> | > | -----> | Eric F Crist> | Secure Computing Networks> | > | > > Thanks> 
> Ashish Shukla> -- > Ashish Shukla "Wah Java !!"> आशीष शुक्ल> > weblog: 
> http://wahjava.wordpress.com/> > ,= ,-_-. =. | The desire to be rewarded for 
> one's creativity does |> ((_/)o o(\_)) | not justify depriving the world in 
> general of all or |> `-'(. .)`-' | part of that creativity. |> \_/ | - 
> Richard M. Stallman |> 
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