> I have just read the UPDATING file and realized that this is something
> that have so many possibilities of going horribly wrong that it most
> certanly will. Thus I want another option.
> Would it be possible to deinstall every port that relates to Xorg 6 and
> install Xorg 7 as if X never existed?
> Anyone care to tell me if pkg_delete xorg* would do, or if there's a
> better way?
I just upgraded Xorg to 7.2 and what I did was reinstalling a fresh
minimal (just the base system) FreeBSD, updating my ports (portsnap)
and then 'make' Xorg.
It took me quite some time though, but if you have a fast internet
connection that'll be no problem.
By the way, I didn't lost any data as I'd created separate partitions
for important directories.

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