El día Monday, August 13, 2007 a las 01:42:04AM -0400, Maxim Khitrov escribió:

> What is the performance like and have you tried using VMGL for 3D
> acceleration? Right now I'm actually in the process of installing
> FreeBSD 7.0 on my laptop just to play around with it. I might give
> Qemu a try. If I recall correctly, I tried Qemu in the past and the
> performance was very poor compared to something like VMWare. Perhaps
> things changed.

I don't need 3D stuff, I'm not playing at all and I'm not a designer
or constructor. I only use XP for some Winword stuff (when there
is no other way in my business) or to look at web pages with IE
when the pages are not working with Konqueror or Firefox. Qemu
together with the kernel module are fast enough for that, no

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